fka pb


death Genesis / king shoji
michigan, us
power electronics

The man, P.B, has many forms.

Initially joining MUZAI Records stemming from an Instagram conversation, P.B’s first incarnation was the harsh noise terrorist King Shoji, unleashing Black Rainbow Machine on a limited repurposed cassette tape.

After two following releases (Vortex, Cherb/Demon), the King Shoji project sank back into the depth of its techno-organic trenches and made way for Death Genesis – a blackened ambient noise project that played around with moodier bass depths compared to the high-end terror of King Shoji.

P.B though considers both projects and his music construction as a whole as a form of electronic autonomy – P.B provides the flesh and blood representing the noises the machines used to create within themselves. He merely steps in when required to keep things on track; symbiotic with a pseudo-sentient cathodes,